Legacy Heights Outreach

Steve & Cindy Heaton

Each month, members of CPC take bags of goodies to Legacy Heights Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Marsha Meador, the activities director, uses the gifts as prizes for games for the residents. Gifts include candy, lotion, large print puzzles books, adult
coloring books, hair clips and barrettes, small stuffed animals, body wash, and shampoo. CPC provided carnations for the female residents and staff members during the month of May to celebrate Mother’s Day.

How can you help? Pick up any items you think might be fun for the residents. If you would like to help deliver, contact Steve
Heaton. If you have a special talent such as singing or playing an instrument, you’ll find the residents are a most hospitable audience. Just contact Steve or Cindy Heaton for more information. And last but never least, please include the residents and staff members in your prayers.