Blessing Bags

Ministries Outside the Walls

We all see them…the stranger at the intersection holding up a sign asking for help or money. How can we help? Our blessing bags provide the most basic of needs for those who need a little extra help. In them, you will find basic hygiene items, socks, a snack,
and a card with information about Central. Are you looking for a way to help with this ministry? Here is a list of needed supplies: razors, toothbrushes, feminine hygiene products, men’s socks, women’s socks, wash clothes, gallon size bags, peanut butter cracker or granola bars, and shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, shaving cream (all in travel or hotel sized). We invite you to put a couple in your car to hand out to those asking for help, and offer a prayer that their needs will be met.