Karen Onyett & Garrie Kellam
Central Presbyterian Church started our food pantry before the Covid-19 pandemic with a simple outdoor Blessing Box. From that small presence in the downtown community, it has grown into a ministry that serves as many as 50 families per month. The ministry is sustained solely on monetary donations and fundraisers by the members of CPC. It is also operated by dedicated volunteers who shop, pack, and distribute the food. Each family gets approximately $20 of carefully selected items which are intended to make meals, not just snacks. Families may visit the pantry once each month and pick up two bags of groceries aimed at supplementing their monthly food needs. Monetary donation can be made by using the CPC Food Pantry envelopes on the sign-in table. Other ways to help: volunteer to pack food, donate paper bags, peanut butter, and cereal. We also ask for your prayers that we can continue to provide this ministry to our friends who need a little help.